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Akuno, Kali and Nangwaya, Ajamu (2017) Jackson Rising, Daraja Press
(An account of the origins and philosophy of the African-American led cooperative initiative, Corporation Jackson in Mississippi State, USA)Â
Harrison, Rob (2013): People Over Capital, World Changing Â
(Essays on Worker Cooperatives represent an alternative to the investor owned firm, and its imp0licaiotns for ordinary people around the world.)Â
Hossein, Caroline Shenaz (2018): The Black Social Economy in The Americas, Palgrave Â
(An examination of the largely informal ways in which African Diaspora communities in the Americas have created cooperative forms of intervention to resist poverty and achieve economic empowerment.)Â Â
Kelly, Marjorie and Howard, Ted (2019): The Making of a Democratic Economy, Berrett Koehler Publishers Â
(A largely US based survey of the wave in worker cooperatives)Â Â Â
Mayo, Ed (2015): The Cooperative Advantage, Co-operatives UK. Â
(An examination of the benefits of cooperative enterprises: economic, political, and psychological, based mainly on evidence from the UK)Â Â
Nembhard, Jessica Gordon (2014): Collective Courage, Penn State Press Â
(A history of African-American led cooperative endeavour from 1780 to 2012)Â
Novkovic, Sanja and Webb, Tom (2014) Co-operatives in a Post-Growth Era, Zed BooksÂ
(Essays exploring how the neo-classical economic approach is challenged by the existence and success of cooperatives especially worker cooperatives.)Â Â Â
Restakis, John (2010): Humanizing the Economy, New Society Publishers Â
(A human interest survey of cooperative initiatives from around the world, taking in experiences from Spain, Italy, the USA, Argentina, Japan, The UK, India, and more) Â
Whyte, William Foote and Whyte, Katheleen King (1988): Making Mondragon, ILR Press Â
(A history of the formation and operations of Mondragon from inception in 1956 to the early 1990s, by which time Mondragon had been well established.)Â Â